Our design philosophy: Emphasizing corporate ID and product messages in working marketing environments.
All while incorporating the latest concepts, materials, and technology to create components that are adaptable to differing messages, exhibit spaces, and in-booth activities.
Details really matter. Especially in an industry where opportunities for chaos are everywhere.
A perfect example, freight - because until your freight gets to your space, nothing happens.
And because, to be logistically serviceable, everyone’s exhibit crates inevitably look the same, a crate can sometimes get delivered to the wrong exhibit space. And a couple of union guys - on the clock - searching the exhibit hall aisles among look-alike crates is not good.
This happened to us very early in our career and we learned from it. Now with our unique round logo silkscreened on all of our crates, one of ours can be spotted from far across an exhibit hall.

One of our crates moving through the Olympic village
in Barcelona.